How do I register for an individual account?

Registering for an account on the Patriots Fan Club Registry is easy!

From the registry homepage, hover over the Sign Up/ Log In button located in the main navigation strip. From there, clicking on Sign Up  will take you to a form where you will enter your desired username, password, email address, etc.

Once you’ve provided all of the required information, click on the Create Account button at the bottom of the form. Your account is created.

Following the creation of your account, you will be sent a confirmation email containing a link that must be clicked to complete the registration process.

Should you not receive a confirmation email or if you have any issues confirming your account, please contact us by sending an email to A member of staff will follow up.

How do I register a club?

Once you create you individual account (see above) you can then register your club. 
Log in with and then hover over the Fan Clubs link in the main site navigation. This will bring up a drop-down menu. Click on Start a Club. 

You will be brought to a form that asks for general information about your club, including your club's name, description, website, social media accounts, physical address, contact information, etc. 

Once you've filled out the form, you'll be taken to your clubs page, where you will be able to see and edit the information that you provided on the registration form. From this page, you'll also be able to invite members to join your club, view your current and pending members, send out a bulk email to your members, as well as add photos. 

I registered my club but it isn't appearing in the registry! Why?

Before a Patriots fan club can appear in the registry, it must have 10 approved members, at which point it will be converted to an “approved” club and will then appear in the registry. 

However, you can still send your club’s page to others, who will be able to view all of your club’s information. This can also be done using the Invite Users tool, available to all club administrators on their club pages.

How do I register a bar?

Once you have created your individual account you can then register a bar.
Log In and then hover over the Bar drop down menu on the main page of the site. Click on Register A Bar.

You will be brought to a page with a form that asks for the bar's information such as name, address, contact information, website, social media, operating hour and pictures.

Once the form has been filled out and submitted, your bar will immediately appear in the bar listing on the registry. From there, users of the Patriots Fan Club Registry will be able to view your bar's information, photos, and events right on the website!

How do I invite members to join my club?

Go to your club's page and then click on the Invite Users button, located in the menu under your club's logo.

You can invite fans in bulk from this page by uploading a spreadsheet (in XLSX format) that contains the first and last names of your members, as well as their email addresses.

Once you've selected the spreadsheet that you would like to upload, simply click on the "Send Invite" button. This will send an email to each user in the spreadsheet, inviting them to sign up for the Patriots Fan Club Registry and join your club.

You can also invite fans one at a time to join your fan club. Go to the Invite Users page and fill in the individual user invite form. When you're done, simply click on "Send Invite" button and the user will receive an invitation email. 

Additionally, on the Invite Users page there is a link that you can send to those who you wish to invite. 

An example of what the invite link looks like is below:[club_name_here]/join

This link can be coped and pasted into emails, social media posts, text messages, etc., and will enable users to create their own account on the Patriots Fan Club Registry and then join your club.

How do I edit my club or bar’s information?

Once you’ve registered a club or bar, you can edit the information that you provided by navigating to its page on the Patriots Fan Club Registry website.

Next to the information, you should see a small red icon that looks like a tag. Clicking on this icon will display the particular field's information in a small textbox where you can make your desired edits.

Once you’re done editing the information in the desired field, you can simply click on the red tag again, which will then save the updated information to your club's page.

What factors affect the member count of my club?

Your fan club’s membership count, visible on your club’s page, is based on the number of invited and approved members of your club. In order to make sure that number is always accurate, be sure to send all your member invites from the Registry or send us your current spreadsheet with your members' information so we can update your club. 

Are there any benefits to adding my fan club to the official Patriots Fan Club Registry?

Yes, lots! Club exposure, official merchandise opportunities, sharing content and events, exclusive newsletters, and Patriots support. Please see our Benefits page for more details!

Can I create merchandise for my club?

Yes! Official Patriots fan clubs now have the option to create custom merchandise, using the Patriots Fan Club Registry logo, for their clubs.

For more information on how to create your own custom Patriots fan club merchandise, please refer to the Benefits page, located under Fan Clubs in the registry’s main navigation.

I have a question that’s not listed here. Who do I contact to get an answer?

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Patriots Fan Club Registry, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at A member of our staff will respond in a timely manner to assist you.