UK Patriots

London, ENG 12345 United Kingdom

Club Information

The UkPatriots are an internet based fan club which has given Patriots fans in the United Kingdom a place to meet fellow fans and follow our team together. Our member numbers have increased through the years and now we have fans from all over the world - not just the UK. Everyone is welcome - from new followers of the game to seasoned veterans of many, many years! As a result of the club, many new friendships have formed. As we are spread throughout the UK (and the world!) regular meetings are rare. However, we do have our Superbowl Party in London which is a great event. We also have members meeting up and attending the Wembley games together. Since 2004 we have been fortunate to have a Roadtrip every year to see our beloved New England Patriots play at Gillette Stadium. This year a group of our members attended the recent games against the Dolphins and Colts. We were delighted to host the official pre-game parties when the Patriots came over to London and beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2009 and St Louis in 2012.

  • One UK Patriot Place
    London, ENG 12345 United Kingdom
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  • Established Date: November 29,2005
  • Last Updated: 3 months ago
  • Members: 314
  • Yearly Dues: No Membership Dues