Danish Patriots fan club

Denmark, 7700 5000,0877 Denmark

Club Information

We are a fan page, more than we are a "club". we socialize over Facebook on our page "Danish Patriots"! We keep our members informed with what happens in the Patriots. We allow all danish patriot fans, to be part of our club/page...We are over 1000 members.! We do this, out of love for the New England Patriots, and we gladly use our free time, to help our fellow danish fans, with all the news on the patriots. We do what we can to get more members, and the plan is hopefully, being able to meet physically at a bar or something like that, watching the games together!

  • Facebook
    Denmark, 7700 5000,0877 Denmark
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  • Established Date: March 8,2018
  • Last Updated: 2 years ago
  • Members: 22
  • Yearly Dues: